RPG Exoria custom evolultion 8.6 - Dungeons - Bosses - Hidden Treasures - Unique Spells - and events!
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Don't TrY WiTh ThEy

769 kills


603 kills


579 kills


302 kills
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19 Aug 2020 -
Added new exp stage from 25k to 35k also Peaceful Genie pet...
Added new exp stage from 25k to 35k also Peaceful Genie pet is no longer affected by fire.
28 Jul 2020 -
Platinum Demon energy waves hits much less now. Peaceful...
Platinum Demon energy waves hits much less now. Peaceful pet costs 3 Exoria Tokens instead of 10 each.
9 Jun 2020 -
!releasehearts command now gives x50 Gold Nuggets, x50...
!releasehearts command now gives x50 Gold Nuggets, x50 Death runes, and +50 levels!
3 Jun 2020 -
All shop purchases are currently giving 120% more premium...
All shop purchases are currently giving 120% more premium points!
Contentbox headline
Welcome to Exoria-OT
Last joined us: 18364, player number 18581. Welcome and wish you a nice game!
Currently, the best player on the server is: Bellatrix (26645). Congratulations!
Server motd: Welcome to the Exoria-OT!
Free Houses: 438
Rented Houses: 31
Accounts in database: 13467
Players in database: 18364
Banned accounts: 274
Guilds in databese: 25

August 10 2020 - Level 20000+ Patch

- Added two new hunting spots for players above 20000 at Platinum Tier room.
- Added new rare drop Peaceful Genie pet which hits strong AOE damage to aid in hunting.
- Added new dungeon with couple of new bosses for level 20000 and above with chance to collect total of +3 strength points to platinum tier.

Have fun!
GM Exoria

Posted by GM Exoria

Comments: 1

July 14 2020 - Level 15000+ Patch!

Hey everyone!

- Added new quest for level 15000+.
- Added +3 new hunting spots for level 15000+.
- Added 3 new Strength Points, one inside Demonica hunting zone (one of the newly added 15k zones) and the other is inside the Pirate Cutthroat zone; third one is hidden but its 100% chance so good luck finding it!
- Added new Peaceful Assassin pet.
- Peaceful Pets now moves faster.
- Daily VIP reward has changed to be x1 Exp Potion and x25 Slow Runes.
- Exp Potion now gives +25% bonus exp for 6 hours instead of 1.
- Gold Nuggets takes much less capacity now.
- Increase Dyath's Royal Weapon drops chance.
- Fixed minor map bugs, and updated the website!

See you in the game!
GM Exoria

Posted by GM Exoria

Comments: 0

June 15 2020 - No PK (no rs taking while bot) + new pet

- Two new items have been added to the temple shop, check them out!
Posted by GM Exoria

Comments: 0

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Top Experience
1 - Bellatrix
1 Lvl: 26645
2 - Sober Supreme
2 Lvl: 22214
3 - Reberto Ri-p
3 Lvl: 22081
4 - Dingus
Lvl: 22021
5 - Thor
Lvl: 21111
6 - Lambie The Paladin
Lvl: 21087
7 - Rah'man
Lvl: 20866
8 - Dingo
Lvl: 20548
9 - Vendetta
Lvl: 20088
10 - Suleiman-heart
Lvl: 20042
Castle 24h