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Level 15000+ Patch!
by GM Exoria
GM Exoria

Owner: Master Sorcerer
Level: 4404

Posts: 26

Hey everyone!

- Added new quest for level 15000+.
- Added +3 new hunting spots for level 15000+.
- Added 3 new Strength Points, one inside Demonica hunting zone (one of the newly added 15k zones) and the other is inside the Pirate Cutthroat zone; third one is hidden but its 100% chance so good luck finding it!
- Added new Peaceful Assassin pet.
- Peaceful Pets now moves faster.
- Daily VIP reward has changed to be x1 Exp Potion and x25 Slow Runes.
- Exp Potion now gives +25% bonus exp for 6 hours instead of 1.
- Gold Nuggets takes much less capacity now.
- Increase Dyath's Royal Weapon drops chance.
- Fixed minor map bugs, and updated the website!

See you in the game!
GM Exoria
14.07.20 00:51:32

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1 - Bellatrix
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Lvl: 21111
6 - Lambie The Paladin
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